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Hochosterwitz Castle

In the south of Austria, Carinthia is one of the most beautiful castles in Europe. Hochosterwitz Castle stands on top of dolomite rock height of about 160 meters.

The castle was built in 860, and in the 11th century it passed into the possession of an ancient family Ostervits later - Emperor Frederick III. In the early 16th century Roman Emperor Ferdinand I gave the castle governor of Carinthia Christopher Khevenhiiller. The heir Christopher Georg von Khevenhiiller initiated to strengthen the citadel. That's when there were three round towers, 4 rows of walls, drawbridges 5, 14 gates, dungeon and arsenal. The convenient location of the castle on a high rock, and so did his mighty fortress impregnable. Throughout its history the castle Hochosterwitz was never taken by storm and still survives in its original form.

Today Hochosterwitz is owned by the heirs Khevenhiiller, but in the summer months here and tourists are allowed to visit. Within the walls of this ancient structure of a unique collection of ancient weapons and rare paintings of the Renaissance.

To get to the castle Hochosterwitz, you must first get to the small town of St. Veit an der Glan, and there are seats on scheduled bus or taxi. To get inside the castle, you will need to cover the distance of 620 meters, passing the 14 strong gate. To facilitate the recovery here has a special lift.

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